Muddy Water Equestrian Park
10129 Mill Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45231
1-hour Trail Rides
Our shaded trail rides are approximately 1 hour.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early prior to the
time of your reservation.
Trail rides are at 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm, and 3:00 pm
We do not offer weekday trail rides at this time.
Children should be at least 8 years or older to ride.
Weight limit of 250lbs, long pants, closed-toed shoes, and head gear are recommended (bicycle or riding helmets are O.K.)
We DO accept walk-ups as first-come first-serve,
but to GUARANTEE A RESERVATION, please book online
Trail rides are not riding lessons. Although we give brief instructions for trail rides, riders are responsible for controlling their own horse including left turns, right turns, stop and go. We have horses that are good for beginners to experienced riders.

Horseback riding is a physically, interactive experience and may not be suitable for everybody.
If you understand that you may not have the ability to mount, control and/ or maintain on your horse while riding, may we suggest taking our Horseback Riding Seminar held on the 4th Sunday of every month at 10:30 am followed by a trail ride at 12:00 pm in order to learn more and get comfortable with the horseback riding experience.
(you must register for both, seminar and trail ride)

Children's Pony Rides
We offer staff controlled rides around the arena for children to enjoy the experience of being on the horse without needing to
go on the trail.
To schedule your trail ride, click the 'Book Here' banner above or call, 513-522-8545